Macan interior trim combinations

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Hello guys! Is there anyone who has seen the Summerwood, Oak Silver Metallic, and Brushed Aluminum and could share some thoughts about them? Also, which one would go the best in combination with limestone beige leather interior? I would appreciate it. thanks!!
I think Oak Silver Metallic would pair best with limestone beige leather for a warm, elegant look. Brushed Aluminum gives a modern touch.
For me I think Summerwood's warm tones pair best with limestone beige; Oak Silver Metallic feels brighter.
Hey, I just posted in another forum about an idea for a yellow interior touch. I'm not really a fan of the Oak Silver Metallic, I agree that it seemed a bit too plasticky. I think Brushed Aluminum would look much better.
I chose the Limestone/Black combo and decided to keep the piano black. It should complement the piano black dash really well.

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